Thursday, 9 July 2009

Multiplatform MMOs Part 5

In my mind, when I think of an MMO it is always PC first. I know I might have sounded a little one sided towards consoles in this article. The reason for this is, the current generation of consoles can keep up with the market of MMO's that are released right now and that are planned in the near future.

I can only speak for myself when I say this. I wouldn't play a multiplatform MMO on a console unless it was developed for the console as a launch platform and even then, I would choose PC over the console version simply because it's more comfortable to me.

I would like to see a console only MMO where the entire game was developed specifically for that platform but besides that, I'd stick with PC.

So that brings an end to this 5 part long article on multiplatform MMO's. What do you think about it? Leave a comment to post your thoughts and ideas!

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