Tuesday, 14 July 2009

The Macbook Pro story so far

Now that I've managed to install a few things on the laptop and play around with it for a bit I can finally chill out and write a few things that I've noticed with it so far.

Overall I'm very happy with it, it's a sleak looking laptop that is equal, if not better than my PC desktop right now. There are a few problems I've noticed but it's nothing I won't get over.

The first problem stems from the fact that I've been using PC's for the past 10 or so years so I'm used to hitting "Ctrl+C" to copy, not "Cmd+C" which is located in a different place on the keyboard, I know it sounds very stupid but my fingers aren't impressed.

Another problem I did notice too which falls under the same category is that there is no pound (#) key which can be a bit troublesome for the likes of IRC, a quick Google search sorted that one out though. (It's "Alt+3")

And finally, the one thing that is really annoying me, the @ and " signs aren't in the right places, I've looked all over the Internet and managed to find a blog full of Irish and British people complaining about it, someone made a their own keyboard layout for it but I couldn't get it to work :(

It's definitely safe to say that the majority of my problems are coming from the fact that I've barely ever used a Mac before so it's going to take me a while till I'm comfortable to do some complex things. Takes me back to not knowing how to get to the games on Win 95...

Check back soon for some more adventures into Mac OSX

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