Saturday, 25 July 2009

Thanks Cryptic...

*Warning - Rant incoming*

Well it seems I've lost even more respect for Cryptics community management team. They've pulled out of the STO channel on the GameSurge network

"We’re happy to announce the official IRC channels have moved to the Coldfront IRC servers. Due to feedback from the community, we felt it was important set up our own official channels, in a way that would allow us to monitor the servers ourselves and enforce our Usage Guidelines."
Being an operator in the previous "official" STO IRC channel I'm not afraid to admit that I'm upset by this because of the time and effort put into the channel by the other operators and myself and simply because of the way that Cryptic dealt with the matter. I won't name any names but I think the people involved know who they are started stirring up trouble because they were bored and eventually it caught on with other members who might have been a bit jealous they weren't chosen as operators.

This feedback that Cryptic received was never mentioned to any of the operators in the channel so that it could be discussed and resolved. Cryptic simply disappeared over a week from the channel and announced the new incarnation on a different network.

There was some tensions before this whole "feedback" notion came around due to the type of network GameSurge is and it's ability to provide certain services which to my knowledge was solved.

Cryptic boasts that they are professional development studio and I would agree that the majority of the staff are. But if their CM's or more specifically Nicole Hamlett (CrypticAwen) doesn't have the common courtesy to give an explanation as to why they abandoned the channel we moderated and kept alive for the past 3 months then it's no wonder that the community has been falling apart. Lead by example is the saying, it seems she is leading the community into the ground.

A tip to any of the new operators in the new channel. Don't expect any special treatment, in fact you're probably worse off than normal users if Awens leadership skills is anything to be judged by.

A simple explanation would have been nice.

Thanks Cryptic.

*End Rant*

EDIT: Sorry if I might sound a bit bitter here but for me and the rest of the ops I think it's fair

1 comment:

  1. Not even a thanks for contributing either btw. Also not to mention that coldfront can't even hide your hostmask which in a lot of people's opinions is insecure.
