We are introduced to the Vo'Quv class starships which if I was to guess is a tactical goliath.

It was hinted at that this ship will only be available to higher ranked players in the following line
"The KDF is assigning its most decorated captains to Vo'Quv ships, and many admirals and generals have claimed them as flagships."
I guess that also gives us a possible confirmation of the two ranks "Admiral" and "General" but who knows.
It's nice that Cryptic gave us a Klingon ship to look at, it's just a pity that the ship isn't much to look at. Compared to the base configuration of the NX-91001 the Vo'Quv is a very ugly looking ship. It's kind of like a deformed pregnant Bird of Prey. I hope that it's very customizable for any wannabe Klingon's out there because I don't think I'd want to look at that all day.
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