Thursday, 9 July 2009

Micro-Transaction MMO's Part 2

I wrote an article the the other day where I was very cut and dry with my expectations for STO. This time around I plan on being a little more open minded but not by much unfortunately.

I started a thread on the official STO forums that you can visit by clicking here

I'd like to thank the people posting on the thread for keeping this civilized, if anything that's what will get Cryptic to give us an answer, if we start bitching or killing each other they're just going to ignore us.

So, as I said in the last article, the chances of me playing STO if it becomes an MT based game is very slim. There is only 1 exception I would make.
  • If the MT items are exclusively vanity items only eg. Diamond encrusted Warp Nacelles
My main worry is balance. Once you bring in items that can give a player a distinct advantage over everyone else it makes things unfair. The game no longer becomes based on the skill of the player, it comes down to who has the bigger wallet.

There are arguments and valid points like "What if I can't spend the time needed to get through the game" Unfortunately that's just a way of things. MMO's are time guzzlers and you shouldn't really be playing them if you don't know that already. I hate to sound like I'm telling people not to play the MMO genre, there are plenty of MMO's out there that cater to the more casual player, STO isn't one of them.

Got anything to add or would just like to say hello? Leave a comment below!

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