Firstly I went back to play a bit of Final Fantasy XI which I only intended on playing for a few hours, nothing intense. Because of having trouble with patches and installing my friend and I decided to watch The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. I think it was around the time that Frodo got to Rivendale that Lord of the Rings Online had come into my head and I was quickly signing up for the trial.
We had no luck at all with MMO's that night because the installer I had downloaded was corrupted so it all had to be downloaded again. So I got to watch my friend play it on his laptop. I don't think he was too impressed with it. I played the next day by myself and thought it wasn't too bad, but nto a game I'd play full time.
While I watched my friend play another MMO slowly crept into the back of my mind, one that I've played many times before but I always seem to crawl back to.

I tried to keep the idea out of my head but the next day when I went into town to look around I found this

€17.99 for the game + Burning Crusade + 2 Prima strategy guides. I had no use for the strategy guides since I've nearly played both Horde and Alliance to death but both games for that price. You might as well say I paid €5 for the game since a subscription is €12.99 and you get 30 days free.
Let's see where I can get to before the month runs out...
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