Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Been a while....

I just don't seem to have the time to update the blog anymore! I'm all over the place with the STO beta in full whack and college projects coming in left right and center it's been tough!

I got some feedback on my character design assignment from my teacher, just a few tweaks and a bit of padding and it's good to go. We got our first 3D assignment today, we've to replicate the Saturn V rocket (aka Apollo 11) as close as possible to the real thing. I spent 4 hours working on it today and it's looking close. Once I add a bit more detail and work on the texture it'll be cool.

I got bored during my Midterm and decided to play around with a very small website based on the LCARS system in Star Trek and it came out pretty well.

It got me thinking about redesigning my web design project to incorporate it but I'm not sure if I'll be allowed. We have to copy a magazine article as close as possible.

I'll ask the teacher when I get a chance but I've a feeling the answer is going to be no :(

I've been playing a bit of Borderlands too. I have to admit the first time I played it, I didn't think much. It really felt like a single player MMO grind fest which it is, it also made me feel motion sick (which happens to me sometimes with FPS games for some reason) so I thought enough was enough. I played again today with a few friends from AoA and really had a blast. For some odd reason playing the game in windowed mode stopped me from getting motion sickness playing it

The game was still a grind fest but it was fun playing with other people.

I'm still playing Urban Dead (usually in class) and I'm finally getting to grasps with the whole thing. It really starts off slow, but once you get enough experience to get some skills things start to kick off.

I've also been testing STO and I really wish I could talk about it because there's so much to say! As soon as the NDA is lifted I'll have everything ready to go!

Modern Warfare 2 is also just around the corner. I'm thinking about picking it up on PC instead of the Xbox, I'm not sure though. I'll have to think about it.

I think that's all I got in me for now. Later!

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