Sunday, 20 September 2009

The Halo mania continues

I remember when Halo 3 was about to be released, me and a friend in my old job decided that we'd stay in the office till late so we could go to a midnight launch for the game. We then brought it back to the office, hooked up an xbox and played till we had to work again the next day.

Yes I'm a Halo fanboi.

So it's no wonder that with the imminent release of ODST literally just around the corner I'm starting to get weak at the knees. Yes I know it's really just an expansion but it's still Halo!

It seems to have gotten fairly positive reviews across the board, although that was to be expected really. With a new campaign that is looking to be the same length as the Halo 3 one if not longer, it might as well be a full new game. I'm really liking the sound of the Firefight mode but the reviews did mention that there is no matchmaking service for it which means, if you don't have friends who regularly play you're screwed. I don't think that will cause me much trouble since 90% of my friends list comes from Halo 3.

I've noticed from the trailers of the game from last year right up till now the music has been retooled for the game and it seems phenomenal, the reviews have picked up on this too. IGN USA even gave it a 10 on their review. Marty O'Donnell is a great composer and I've loved all his music so this doesn't look like it's going to disappoint.

I think I might play through the Halo 2 or 3 campaign again tonight just to get myself in the mood (which I don't really need help with) but I'm going to be in a Halo mood and it's gonna be around for a few weeks so I apologise in advance :P

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