Friday, 17 July 2009

STO: Zinc hints at new "classes" available after launch

Tuesday heralded a new dev chat with Zinc, the topic was ship customization. A lot of the information was already available but it's always nice to get a 100% official word from Zinc himself.

One line really caught my attention was this
Bizarro_Rekhan: Will ships have defined purposes (eg Science- Nebula)
CrypticZinc: So - there are three different "types" of ships (at launch) - Escort, Cruiser, Science.
I guess it's nothing we didn't already suspect but it's nice to see that Cryptic are thinking ahead about adding other "classes"

I also have to give props to BannedAccount for catching Zinc's eye with this little gem
CrypticZinc: this sounds so much like guild wars
CrypticZinc: How so?
Leave it to BA to make an enemy of Zinc :P

Make sure to check out #STO on the Gamesurge network for all the latest news!

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