Sunday, 28 June 2009

STO: Prime or JJ Universe?

A topic was brought up in #STO about whether the game should be set in the prime or JJ Star Trek Universe. Before I continue it is 100% confirmed that the game is set in the Prime Universe so this is just a hypothetical speculation.

Personally. I'm not sure if I'd be interested in playing a game based in JJ's universe, I'm more interested in seeing the places that I watched when I was a kid and maybe some of the characters too. I'm not saying an MMO based in JJ's universe couldn't be interesting but they would both come from completely different ways.

Everything could be completely new again, the game could be taken in a completely different direction being more ground based perhaps? The feeling that I got from the movie was that everything is bigger, TNG and VOY especially always felt like the ship was run by the bridge crew alone, while in the latest film we were shown groups working together. A lot of people have been asking for player run ships, using JJ's universe that could probably work.

Which universe would you like to see a Star Trek MMO take place in and what kind of game would you like it to be?

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