I was surprised to see that Cryptic had gone and given us a Romulan ship of the line without actually giving us anything. It was a nice read though, good to see Chancellor Martok could still potentially be alive and well in 2409.
All we really got a picture which to me looks like a squiggly Valdore Class that was seen briefly in Star Trek Nemesis.

So my conclusion is we are getting an upgraded ship we barely saw in the first place. I guess that's not a bad thing really. It could also just be the Valdore itself. The Romulans could have went back to their space and upgraded ships between the events of the Dominion War and Star Trek Nemesis leaving the Enterprise E as the only ship that has actually seen that class.
What's your thoughts on everything? Got another ship in mind or completely disagree with what I think? Leave a comment!
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