I'm looking forward to this class in FFXIV and to see what kind of advancements and improvements they will make with it. I've only played one other game which uses a summoner like class and that's World of Warcrafts Warlock which is similar in ways.
I think if Square-Enix were to take tips it would be from Blizzard on this. I remember spending a good 3-4 hours finishing the summoner quest and being very disappointed with the actual class. I expected to be a lot stronger with it being an unlockable class but in the end I only got to level 15 or so with it.
S-E have their oppertunity to make it an epic class this time around. Being able to keep your favorite summon around without losing MP and it having its own skillset and levels would make for much better gameplay and give a lot more depth.
FFXI was a grind game and it's classes played a major role in keeping players interested. If it is to be the same for FFXIV then a major overhaul is needed and a lot more depth.
Asking for avatars not costing MP is kinda like asking to be able to how off Spell Animations (BLM/WHM/RDM) without actually casting them and losing MP, kinda. ;p
ReplyDeleteIt'd be more of a pet game then, I like it that all avatars/elementals cost MP except Carbuncle, if you get the Carbuncle's Mitts and reach Lv50+
Truth be told, I'm a Summoner, and I have to admit; the job/class doesn't get fun until you're Lv50+, have the Austere Gear or your AF, and the Elemental Staves, that's where Summoner really starts. Until then you're most likely to be wanted for Healing and acting like a WHM. /sigh
But after reaching Lv60(Yeah..10 levels higher than 50), you will finally start noticing your avatars becoming way stronger than previous levels and gets really fun.
Summoner at 75 is a very strong class being able to solo monsters that are VT or even IT to you but you have to select your monsters to fight if you fight monk class monsters you will always loose but i dont know what class out there in FFXI can fight a monk class that are VT or IT to them. And don suggest S-E to get tips from blizzard WoW turned into a kids game. FFXI or even FFXIV target audience are for mature players that like hard challenges. I myself get bored of a game that is so easy that a 7 years old will get maxed level in 2-3 months time. So easy that you will get tired of the game lacking deepth and challenge.