Thursday 6 August 2009

EvE Online wants you to hate it!

There is something about this game, something in the back of my head wants me like this game but the game won't let me no matter how hard I try.

I've now played the EvE 14 day trial 3 times. Each time I get a tiny bit further or I get a basic grasp of how to play. This time I think I got as far as I'm ever going to get.

I prepared myself to pay attention and take in what the tutorial was telling me, I let go of my point and click grudge and found that I was actually enjoying the gameplay. I decided to be a businessman and set up my factory in high security space and was pumping out some sort out rocket fuel at a nice and steady rate, I had to mine ore to keep everything running smoothly which wasn't a problem since there are a bazillion asteroid fields everywhere.

Eventually I made up the money I needed to get a bigger ship but I was missing one skill. I went to buy it on the market only to get the message "Skill unavailable on trial account"

I couldn't believe it, I was 2 days into the trial I wasn't able to get a new ship. I had no intention of buying a months subscription to the game, so I just decided to check out what a 0.0 security sector was like.

I lasted roughly 30 seconds. I passed through one 0.0 sector with no trouble but the second one had a trap waiting for me. Another player had set up some kind of gravity well that trapped players from going to warp. I turned into a 1 shot kill.

EvE has some serious potential, the only thing holding it back is itself. It feels like the game wants you to fail or is trying to make it harder for you. If they were to simplify the UI and menus into more manageable doses, casual players might end up checking it out.

I'll leave you with my one and only video that I took while playing.

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