Monday, 22 June 2009

FFXIV: Beta in September? Not likely

It seems that there is a raging rumor that FFXIV will be going into beta in September.

It's only a rumor.

We all know what Square-Enix are like when it comes to release dates. I already seriously doubt that the game is going to be out next year, saying that the beta is going to start in just 2 and a bit months is really laughable.

I'd love if it did start that soon but I wouldn't hold my breath.


  1. When it comes to MMO's SE is pretty punctual. Updates and expansions aren't delayed, because the development team only announces them when it's sure that they can be released on time.. so no worries, although I'd expect the beta to start at December earliest still.

  2. I wasn't following the development of FFXI and only picked it up when I saw it in a store.

    I hope you're right because their track record with other games as of late has been terrible.
